Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:51 PM
بچه که بودم کارتون استرلينگ که تلوزيون نشون ميداد دلم قنج ميرفت که کاشکي منم يک سنجاب داشتم.
امروز يکم تحقيق کردم درباره سنجاب به عنوان پت و واقعا نا اميد شدم. مثل اينکه تا وقتي کوچولو هست و دندون نداره خيلي بامزه هست ولي وقتي بزرگ ميشه خيلي وحشي ميشه و رام شدني هم نيست. با دندوناش هم ميتونه دستت را چنان گازي بگيره که هيچ وقت از يادت نره.
در زمينه ريدمان هم حتي از همستر هم نفهم تره و اصلا ياد نميگيره که هر جايي کثافت کاري نکنه.
خلاصه خيلي ناراخت شدم. ولي در هر صورت شايد يک موقع بگيرم که عقده اي از دنيا نرم.

اينجا مطلب جالبي نوشته دربارشون:
Baby squirrels are the sweetest and cutest things you have probably ever seen. They are so gentle, cuddly and adorable as babies. It's basic human instinct to want to care for such a cute little baby. It's also lots of fun to play with them as babies just like it's fun to play with puppies and kittens. The only problem is when these babies get older, they are not as tame as dogs and cats which have been bred for tameness for centuries. These babies are wild animals with wild instincts. They have been bred to be wild, the opposite of tame, for their own survival.

When squirrels are only six weeks old, it's cute when they climb up your pant leg, sit on your shoulder, wrestle with your hand, try to nibble on your ear lobe. When they are six months old it's a completely different story. Their gentle nibbles turn to painful bites when their teeth are fully grown. When they climb up your pant leg they can leave you bleeding with their now long and sharp claws. They are very smart and need a lot of attention. If you don't give them what they want, they will bite and scratch you because they had no mom to teach them manners. When they become sexually mature they can become even more aggressive, possessive and jealous. They will attack everyone except the main caregiver or maybe even just everyone. This is the time when people generally send them packing by throwing them out the back door. They've had their fun with the cute baby but do not like the wild adult they have become. This is a sure death sentence for them. They will also instantly become a menace to yourself and your neighbors when they get mad and try to physically demand attention. An unsuspecting person will try to kill a squirrel that jumps on him and bites him.

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